Wednesday, August 19, 2009

On Twin-Cation!

I think it's safe to say that City Girl will be on a twin-cation for the next week or two. My wife is being induced on Friday with our twin boys! I've already been slacking as far as the blog posts go because we've been busy busy busy trying to get all our ducks in a row for their arrival! So I wanted to offically say: I'll be back soon, I promise! Likely with a post about our new cloth diaper experiment!

For now, here's some lovely pictures of the fact that, yes, we are indeed FINALLY getting some red tomatoes and good looking cucumbers from our garden! And yes, that's also a head of cauliflower too! Yum!


  1. Oh my gosh!! How very exciting!!! I'm so curious about the cloth diapers. My mother always used the cloth diapers and I will be facing this decision in March.
    Wishing all four of you the very, very best!

  2. Best of luck to you all! I had twin boys 8.5 years ago. We also did cloth diapers, "cheek to cheek" but they went out of business about a year ago. I teach childbirth classes now, and I was so happy to hear about do good diapers. I have heard only positive feedback about their service.
    Don't know if this is your first... no one can really prepare you for what you're about to experience... Enjoy the ride!!

    Brenda Burmeister
